I have decided to stop publishing the Timing Outlook. I have had increasing difficulty keeping up with the bi-weekly publication schedule. I also have had insufficient time to analyze capital-gains stocks for more than a year, with the result that I only use SPY (which tracks the S&P 500) as an investment vehicle for my Capital Gains Portfolio. I feel that I am doing my readers a disservice with such paltry informatkion.
Since I became seriously interested in dividend-growth investing in 2008, I have found that pursuit to be more fun and rewarding personally. Most of my original articles are now about dividend investing, and most of them are published on Seeking Alpha. I have even fallen behind on posting summaries of them here, which is another reason to drop the Timing Outlook. With the time freed up, I hope to catch up on the summaries here and maybe also post some original content here.
Thanks for all the emails--questions, kudos, and criticisms--about the Timing Outlook and market commentaries. I have really appreciated them. I hope that the Timing Outlook has demonstrated that market timing is possible if not perfectible. I also hope that it has illustrated a way to keep emotions out of investing. That's an important trait for any investor no matter what the strategy.
The Timing Outlook is not copyrighted or trademarked, so if anyone wants to pick it up, feel free to do so. All of the indicators are available for free on the Internet. If anyone picks it up and publishes the results, please let me know.
Thanks again for reading. Please continue your subscriptions to this newsletter as I go through this transition. I hope to keep the newsletter useful and attractive as I change its focus.